We are pleased to announce the official opening of the exhibits at Mulroney Hall on the St. Francis Xavier University campus in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Origin Studios has been working with the University, project architect, fabrication teams, and the Mulroney family for two years to create a comprehensive exhibition based on the life and accomplishments of Brian Mulroney, Canada’s eighteenth Prime Minister. Congratulations to St. FX on a fine new building, which, in addition to providing flexible classroom and meeting spaces, will house the new Brian Mulroney Institute of Government. We are proud to have been part of this exciting and unique project.
The jewel of the exhibition is a re-creation of Prime Minister Mulroney’s Centre Block office on Parliament Hill. This is the closest anyone will get to the real PM’s Office until Centre Block renovations are done almost a decade from now!
Small alcoves, pods, and walls throughout the building feature different themes and stories from Prime Minister Mulroney’s years of public service.
Related Links
Sharon Kirkey, “’This is exactly the way it was’: Replica of former PM’s office a highlight of new Mulroney Hall,” National Post (Sept. 17, 2019).
Laura Stone, “$100-million Brian Mulroney Institute of Government opens at former prime minister’s alma mater St. Francis Xavier,” The Globe and Mail (Sept. 18, 2019).
Corey LeBlanc, “St. F.X. celebrates grand opening of Mulroney Hall in Antigonish,” The Chronicle Herald (Sept. 18, 2019).
“STFX celebrates grand opening of the Brian Mulroney Institute of Government and Mulroney Hall,” St. Francis Xavier University (Sept. 18, 2019).